Poetry: Piano Practice

Gwen Sketch at Organ-full

Piano Practice

by June Nash


Mommy, why must I stay?

Must I the piano play?

My friends are all outside

Running, laughing, so gay


Mommy, was this your dream?

Through me, you live, it would seem

For you I will abide

I work hard to see you beam


Mommy, why must I stay?

Must sit at keys and play?

My feelings they collide

For it’s such a sunny day

This is my second poem, written for the painting of my granddaughter sitting at a piano.   I haven’t had a chance to get any more work done on the painting last week.  Too busy with what life throws my way. I have it, not quite completed but close, hanging, unframed, on my living room wall.  I enjoy looking at it, it inspires me to make some time to finish it. 

The photo shown is the original photograph that the painting was created from.  It is an organ, not a piano, but I am taking advantage of my poetic license.  

2 responses to “Poetry: Piano Practice”

  1. gigglinggranny Avatar

    Poetic license again. She wasn’t taking lessons. We were visiting her great grandmother. They had an organ in the lobby of the building. She was playing, as in pretending, while she waited until it was time for everyone to leave. LOL!
    I thought it looked like she was being forced to take lessons, that is why I wrote the poem that way.


  2. I was wondering how many wood pianos had a 2nd keyboard – lol

    Very nice partner to the picture. Hope she has better luck than I did.


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